(Head on table)… I actually needed that piece of my Unity project which I just deleted…
Sound familiar? Don’t give up hope! If you act carefully, there’s possibly a way to easily recover that deleted item!
(Note: Instructions are for Windows users.)
First: inside the Project pane, Right-click the folder which previously held your (now deleted) item.
Then click on the “Show in Explorer” menu option.
Then you’re Explorer window will pop-up. Click the folder where your asset was saved, and after it opens, right-click anywhere.
Click “Undo Delete” from the menu, (above). Look (below) your file has re-appeared!
(Open up Unity and you’ll see it re-add the asset to your project!)
TA DA! 😀
(Repeat the “Undo Delete” steps in the Explorer window, if you’ve deleted multiple files.)
Hope this Unity3d.Expert solution has saved your day!
My heart skipped a beat . Thanks buddy .
man easy solution that saved my day, thx!
You’re most welcome!
Keep on Creating!
Not all heroes wear capes.
Thank you man, life saver.
This totally saved me. Thank you very much!
Thank you so much! You saved my year worth of time. I owe you one.
Glad to hear this helped!
Keep on Creating!
– Justin
Oh thank god I found this
Wooooooooow, So simple and it worked thanks.