(Head on table)… I actually needed that piece of my Unity project which I just deleted…
Sound familiar? Don’t give up hope! If you act carefully, there’s possibly a way to easily recover that deleted item!
(Note: Instructions are for Windows users.)
First: inside the Project pane, Right-click the folder which previously held your (now deleted) item.
Then click on the “Show in Explorer” menu option.
Then you’re Explorer window will pop-up. Click the folder where your asset was saved, and after it opens, right-click anywhere.
Click “Undo Delete” from the menu, (above). Look (below) your file has re-appeared!
(Open up Unity and you’ll see it re-add the asset to your project!)
TA DA! 😀
(Repeat the “Undo Delete” steps in the Explorer window, if you’ve deleted multiple files.)
Hope this Unity3d.Expert solution has saved your day!
Thanks a lot man, you’re a lifesaver!
<3 u so much
thanks you so much brooooo
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!! I thought i had to rewrite a whole script! OMG!
Thank u sooo much!! I deleted a whole script folder instead of a single script. I almost had a heart attack.
You have saved me a heart attack, eternally grateful <3 <3!!